Alternative Compliance Review Board

The Planning, Design & Development Department provides administrative support to the Alternative Compliance Review Board and oversees the process for alternative compliance review applications. Membership details are found in the Rules of Procedures. The Alternative Compliance Review Board has the authority to hear and decide requests for alternative compliance per Article 37.10 of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO).

Boards and Commission Information

Apply for Mayoral Alternative Compliance Review Board Seat

Apply for City Council Alternative Compliance Review Board Seat

Apply for County Alternative Compliance Review Board Seat

Zoning & UDO Administration Application Packet(PDF, 676KB)

Zoning & UDO Administration Schedule, Deadlines & Fees(PDF, 169KB)

Rules of Procedures(PDF, 171KB)

Meeting Information

Alternative Compliance Review Board Testimony Information:

During the meeting, the Board Chairperson will address anyone who has signed up to speak on an Agenda item. All testimony must be given under oath and those wishing to speak on an item must be sworn in. Interested parties wishing to speak, for or against, will be given reasonable time to present sworn testimony. If you wish to submit evidence for consideration (e.g. photographs and other factual materials) you must send any electronic documents to staff at least one day prior to the meeting by noon. The documents must be labeled with the project address and case number.

The meeting can be viewed live at the CLT Planning Design, and Development YouTube Channel. Please note, staff support will be not available during the meeting to assist with technical difficulties. Applicants, Opposition, and others who wish to provide testimony will need to attend in person and the link provided is for viewing purposes only.

Submission Deadline and Meeting Schedule

Alternative Compliance Review Board Members

  • TBD