Strategic Mobility Plan

What is the Strategic Mobility Plan?
The Strategic Mobility Plan (SMP) is Charlotte's transportation plan to offer everyone in our city safe and equitable mobility choices.
The established polices of this plan include:
- Our commitment of Vision Zero to be a community that ensures and prioritizes the safety of all who share Charlotte's streets.
- Establishing a 50-50 mode share aspiration to be a community that balances our mobility choices and transitions away from a dependency on the car for most of our travel needs.
- Expanding transit throughout our city to be a community that makes rail and bus transit trips faster, more reliable, and a natural part of how we travel.
- Preparing for the future of mobility to be a community on the leading edge of the on-going technological transformation of urban mobility.
Strategic Mobility Plan - Full Document
Strategic Mobility Plan - Plan in Brief
What is Charlotte's Blueprint for Mobility Investment?
The Blueprint for Mobility Investment is Charlotte's long-term capital investment plan that defines the strategy and program of transportation projects to implement the goals and priorities of the SMP.
Blueprint for Mobility Investment Story Map
Harrisburg Road - Far East/Harrisburg Strategic Investment Area Brochure(PDF, 6MB)
Contact Us
Charlotte Department of Transportation