Capital Projects Dashboard

Welcome to the City of Charlotte’s Capital Project Dashboard, an interactive data and map tool to help explore active capital projects throughout the community. The dashboard serves as the centralized location for capital project information from all city departments. All projects displayed on the dashboard have received some funding and are in various phases of planning, design or construction. Project data is updated at least quarterly.

The dashboard was designed to make capital project information more easily accessible to the community. This tool will help residents stay connected with capital project progress and learn more about projects near their homes, along their commutes and close to their workplaces.

If you have questions or comments about the dashboard, please use this survey CIP Dashboard Feedback (please access via Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Safari). For additional assistance, please contact Tiffany Blackwell.


Project Phases

Projects presented on the dashboard vary in phases of completion:


The project team workswith the community to identify and evaluate options for making the improvements needed to accomplish the project's goals. The phase ends with the selection of anoption to be implemented. Real estate acquisition for new building projects is typically complete during or prior to this phase.


The project team creates the detailed information needed to construct the improvement option that was selected during the planning phase. Details include plans and specifications. Design also includes any required permitting from federal or state governments, real estate acquisition for transportation and pipe projects and any required utility (underground gas, water and sewer lines, overhead power, telephone and television lines) relocation. During design, the city uses a competitive bidding process to procure the services of contractors as needed to build the project. By state law, the lowest responsible bidder is awarded the construction contract. VisitDoing Business with the Cityfor a comprehensive listing of contracting opportunities across the city.



Residents, property owners, business owners and other stakeholders in the vicinity of the construction site are notified when work is expected to begin and end. For projects that affect a large or highly populated area, a web page is created (and linked from the dashboard project) to post project details and updates. In some cases, stakeholders can subscribe to email or text notifications for project updates. Once construction is underway, an inspector visits the site daily. Large projects require an inspector to remains on-site full time. Once construction nears completion, landscaping may be installed and may include trees and shrubs. Landscaping can only be installed during planting season (typically October through March). This may cause a delay between construction completion and landscaping installation.


This phase indicates that all work has been completed, but the project may still be in warranty, meaning all work is guaranteed by the contractor for a minimum of one year. The contractor will repair any deficiencies in their work during the one-year warranty.

Please provide feedback about the Capital Project Dashboard using this survey. All comments will help make the dashboard more effective and user-friendly.

Dashboard User Guide

There are four ways to search for projects on the dashboard:

1. Search Bar

If you know the name or part of the name of a specific project, use the “Search Projects By Name” bar to identify the project you are interested in viewing. The map and information panel and on the right will reflect the project selected. To clear your project selection, click “Search Projects By Name” at the top of the drop-down list or refresh your page.

2. Filters

Reduce the number of projects shown by selecting the Council Districts and/or Project Types you’re interested in viewing. As you make selections, the number of projects shown on the map will filter to reflect your selections.

3. Project List

Use the project list to scroll through project names. If you select a project name, the box will turn green and the map and information panel on the right will reflect the project you’ve selected. To return to the full list of projects, deselect the project name so the box turns from green to gray.

4. Map

Zoom in and out and move the map to see projects around the city. To select a project from the map, click the arrow button in the top left corner of the map before selecting the project. Once you click the arrow button and the project on the map, the project list and information panel on the right will reflect the project you've selected.