Storm Water Services Shares Safety Tips as Hurricane Season Approaches

Published on April 27, 2023


Storm Water Services Shares Safety Tips as Hurricane Season Approaches

We’re on the cusp of summertime and temperatures are rising. More people are spending time outdoors and scheduling vacations. Along with summertime fun also comes hurricane season and the threats of heavy rains and flooding. Are you prepared?

Last year, there were 14 named tropical systems in the Atlantic Ocean. Although our county is located inland from the coast, it’s important for residents to remember that widespread torrential rains associated with these storms often cause flooding hundreds of miles inland. This type of flooding is the second leading cause of fatalities during a tropical system and can persist for several days after a storm has dissipated.

To help residents remain safe during hurricane season (June 1 - Nov. 30), Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services and Charlotte-Mecklenburg Emergency Management are joining cities and towns from across the country to observe National Hurricane Preparedness Week from April 30 to May 6.

Here are some important safety tips you should know:

Be prepared:

More tips can be found at

During a hurricane or tropical storm:

  • During the storm, call 911 for any life-threatening situations.
  • Do not attempt to clear storm drains or storm drainage pipes.
  • Stay off the roads unless absolutely necessary.
  • Depending on where you are, go to the safe location that you have identified. If you are not able to shelter in place or with family, go to a public shelter.
  • Listen to EAS, NOAA Weather Radio or check with Charlotte-Mecklenburg Emergency Management for current emergency information and instructions regarding flooding.
  • If told to evacuate, do so immediately. Never drive around barricades. Local responders use them to safely direct traffic out of flooded areas.
  • Turn around, don’t drown. One foot of moving water could float and sweep your vehicle away.

For more information on Hurricane Preparedness Week, follow Storm Water Services on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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