The Valley Haven Water Quality Enhancement Project will improve surface water quality through the restoration of wetlands and streams to treat and convey the watershed’s runoff. The project is located within a drainage area of approximately 779 acres. The project is proposed to be built on an undeveloped parcel of land bordered by Rocky Falls Rd to the north, McAlpine Creek Greenway to the south, Pineburr Rd to the east and Valley Haven Dr to the west.
For more information, visit Valley Haven Stream Restoration.
Please contact the Project Manager if you have any questions.
*includes all costs associated with this project such as planning and design, utility relocation, consultant fees, permits, construction, and landscaping.
Learn more about project phases.
Storm Water Services
Caleb C. Frase, PE Senior Engineer 704.572.3793
Kate Goodman, PE, CFM Engineering Program Manager 980.293.1464