ITB AVIA 24-40 North End-Around Taxiway (NEAT) Extension

Closed June 25, 2024, 02:00 PM

  • Reference numberITB AVIA 24-40
  • StatusComplete
  • SummaryBid Due Date & Time: June 25, 2024 at 2:00 PM ET

    Bid Type: Invitation to Bid

    Department: Aviation


The Fourth Parallel Runway Program – North End-Around Taxiway (NEAT) Extension – Volume I includes the construction of 75 feet wide x 5,300 feet long new taxiway with two connector taxiways. Primary work elements include 18-inch Portland cement concrete pavement; cement-treated base course; crushed aggregate base course; asphalt shoulders; pavement markings; mass grading; 15” – 84” drainage pipes; cast-in-place and pre-cast structures; underdrains; airfield electrical including duct banks, cabling, lighting, and signage; erosion control; asphalt service roads; and fencing. The project also includes Stockpile Site – Volume II. Primary work elements include pavement, slab on grade, and foundation demolition; building demolition; utility removal; asphalt roadway; waterline installation; mass grading; erosion control; and fencing.


Pre-Bid Details

Date: May 9, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. ET

Location: Microsoft Teams (see link in ITB)

Instructions: Non-Mandatory

Bid Opening Instructions

Date: June 25, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. ET

Location: Microsoft Teams (see link in ITB)


ITB AVIA 24-40 North End-Around Taxiway (NEAT) Extension(PDF, 2MB)

ITB AVIA-24-40 Bid Tabulation North End Around Taxiway NEAT Extension(PDF, 109KB)


All ITB activity to take place through the e-Builder portal (see under "Related Information" on right-side for link)