City, TPMA to Conduct Small Business Ecosystem Assessment

Published on June 04, 2024

Business Meeting

The City of Charlotte announced today that it has partnered with TPMA, a national workforce and economic development consulting firm, to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the local small business ecosystem as part of its strategic plan to better understand challenges affecting local entrepreneurs.

"Conducting a small business ecosystem assessment is essential for identifying the challenges and opportunities facing our entrepreneurs,” Council Member Malcolm Graham, chair of the Jobs and Economic Development Committee. “Enhancing our city's economic development is a strategic priority for the city council, and we recognize that small businesses are the backbone of our community. This assessment will enable us to create targeted initiatives that support our local businesses and drive sustainable growth."

TPMA was chosen for its extensive experience and proven expertise in evaluating and enhancing small businesses, ensuring a comprehensive and impactful assessment tailored to the needs of Charlotte's diverse business community.

"Cultivating a thriving small business ecosystem is not just about economics; it's about empowering dreams, fostering innovation, and celebrating diversity. We're honored and excited to assist Charlotte with this important endeavor. Throughout this process, we will remain committed to helping city leadership create an environment where every small business can flourish and enhance the vibrancy and economic vitality across this great city," says Brett Wiler, senior director of Economic Development and Strategic Planning at TPMA.

In April of 2023, the Charlotte City Council approved funding from the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund, showing continued commitment to supporting the growth and success of local small businesses. Speaking directly with local business owners, city staff will be able to identify gaps in services, opportunities, and capital resources, outlining possibilities to provide greater support for growth and sustainability.  The study will be completed in June 2025.

Once the data is analyzed, the city will develop an implementation plan to inform future strategies, programs and resources to empower and strengthen the entrepreneurial community. Business owners and entrepreneurs who would like to participate or learn more about the assessment can visit the Charlotte is Building for Business webpage.

About the City of Charlotte

The City of Charlotte provides services to more than 872,000 residents. The city's priorities are workforce and business development; transportation, planning and the environment; safe communities; and great neighborhoods. Charlotte is ranked 5th on the U.S. News & World Report’s 150 Best Places to Live in the U.S. in 2024-2025. For the latest news and updates about city government, visit the citywide newsroom at, follow @CLTgov on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and subscribe to the City Speaks newsletter.

About TPMA

TPMA empowers organizations and communities through strategic partnerships and informed solutions that create positive, sustainable change. For community champions who are loyal to improving local and regional economic outcomes, TPMA provides professional consulting services and delivers transparent insights to the complete workforce, education, and economic development ecosystem that allows them to move forward, together. TPMA envisions a world that thinks strategically, works collaboratively, and acts sustainably. Visit and follow TPMA on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.