North Bridge Over Interstate 85
August 13, 2024 - Construction is now underway. Dane Construction and the City of Charlotte will make every effort to minimize disruptions to traffic and utility service during construction. Get updates via text or email by signing up in the "Stay Connected!" section of this page.
- Project typeBridge, Transportation
- Project budget$50.7 million (includes all costs associated with the project such as planning and design, acquiring the right-of-way, utility relocation, consultant fees, construction, signalization, permits and landscaping)
- Project phaseBid

Renderings of the bridge during the day and at night. For illustrative purposes only; specific features may change.

Project Overview
The North Bridge over I-85 will be located in Charlotte's northeast corridor and will provide connectivity across I-85, linking residential, retail and educational uses in University City on the east side of the interstate to the employment center of the University Research Park on the west side. The project will provide an alternative route to both the W.T. Harris Boulevard and Mallard Creek Church Road interchanges with I-85. In addition, the bridge will provide a direct connection between all of the following:
University Research Park
The future Doby Creek and Barton Creek greenways
The J.W. Clay station of the LYNX Blue Line
University of North Carolina at Charlotte
This bridge will serve as a monument entrance into Charlotte and provide facilities that accommodate all modes of transportation from cars and public transit to bicycles and pedestrians.
As a part of the National Environment Policy Act process, the City of Charlotte, in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration and the North Carolina Department of Transportation, engaged the community to help complete an environmental analysis and preliminary design that reflects the region's vision for infrastructure connectivity.
Public participation was important throughout this project to help identify alternatives that meet the city's goals to maintain the growth and vitality of the community and to support a healthy economy for Charlotte.
Project Goals
To provide connectivity across I-85, linking residential, retail, and educational uses in University City to the employment center of the University Research Park
To provide an alternative route to both the WT Harris Boulevard and Mallard Creek Church Road interchanges with I-85
To provide a direct connection between University Research Park, UNC Charlotte, the future Doby Creek and Barton Creek Greenways and the LYNX Blue Line J.W. Clay Station
- To provide facilities that accommodate all modes of transportation: motorists, bicyclists, pedestrians and transit.
Public Involvement
The City of Charlotte hosted the first community information meeting on Tuesday, April 12, 2016 at 6 p.m. at the Oasis Shriners. The meeting was an open house format with a brief formal presentation.
On November 3, 2016, the project team held another public meeting at Elevation Church-University City to shared the preferred alignment of the bridge and get feedback. An online meeting was made available for participants who did not attend.
On June 7, 2017, the project team hosted a meeting at Oasis Shriners to present preliminary design concepts and enhanced aesthetic options for the bridge. A virtual meeting was provided to those who could not attend to select the concept they preferred.
On December 13, 2018, participants reviewed the project’s final roadway layout, learned about the right-of way acquisition process and viewed the aesthetics for the bridge.

Rendering of the roadway after improvements. For illustrative purposes only.
Vicinity Map