Alternatives to Violence Program - Nations Ford Rd./Arrowood Rd.

Closed May 17, 2023, 03:00 PM

  • Reference number269.2023.041
  • StatusAwarded
  • SummaryBid Due Date & Time: May 17, 2023 at 3 p.m.

    Bid Type: Request for Proposal

    Department: General Services


The objective of this RFP is to solicit Proposals that will enable the city to determine which company and proposed solution will best meet the city’s needs for the services detailed in the scope of work. In 2019, more than 100 homicides occurred in Charlotte — an 80% increase over the previous year and the city's highest number of homicides since the early 1990s. Hospital emergency departments treated more than 4,000 Mecklenburg County residents for assault-related injuries. In response to the increase in violence, the city, county and partners have adopted a new public health approach to prevent violent crime. To help address this problem, the Office of Equity, Mobility and Immigrant Integration seeks one community organization to act as the lead agency and implement Cure Violence Global’s violence interruption model in the priority geography of Nations Ford Road and Arrowood Road. The success of this project will rely on the community organization and other stakeholders to mobilize community members against shootings and homicides.

Pre-Bid Details

Date & Time: May 5, 2023 at 1 p.m.

Location: Please see the TEAM's meeting instructions contained in the solicitation.

Bid Opening Instructions

All submissions must be submitted electronically via the Procurement Portal, under the respective project. Your submission must be uploaded, submitted, and finalized prior to the project’s posted due date. The city strongly recommends allowing sufficient time to complete this process (ideally a week prior to the deadline) to begin the uploading process and to finalize your submission. Uploading large documents may take time, depending on the size of the file(s) and your Internet connection speed.