QC Water

QC Water logo  - Charlotte Sustainable Clean Recycled Water

Charlotte Water is proud to launch QC Water

QC Water is a sustainable and reliable source of clean water derived from recycled wastewater, using state-of-the-art processes including carbon filtering, reverse osmosis and advanced oxidation (Ozone + Ultraviolet treatment). QC Water exceeds all pathogen reduction requirements and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Guidelines through the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA).


QC Water is the first project of its kind in the Carolinas. Still, similar multi-barrier treatment approaches have been used in other areas of the United States, including Oregon, Arizona and Tennessee. Changing climate and growing global populations mean water authorities worldwide are looking at treatment options to produce reclaimed water to meet declining freshwater supplies and achieve water security and sustainability.



Renew Brew

In February 2024, through a partnership with Xylem and Town Brewing, Charlotte Water introduced Renew Brew - the first beer demonstration project in the Carolinas made with recycled water (QC Water). The marketing team at Yellow Duck Marketing coordinated the launch at the Queen-City Brewers Festival.

RenewBrew - Charlotte Water's beer can made with recycled water  


Renew Brew Project Video




Watch the Renew Brew Project video on YouTube.