
Line of houses on city street.

The Housing Services Division of Housing & Neighborhood Services provides a wide array of programs and services for families residing in the City of Charlotte. Guided by the Housing Charlotte Framework(PDF, 3MB) and in partnership with nonprofits, housing developers and other community partners, the city works in areas ranging from homelessness to homeownership by providing programs such as down payment assistance, housing rehabilitation and commercial gap financing for below market rate housing development.

Share information about these housing programs and services with your neighborhood, organization or community with our Housing Services Programs at a Glance flyer(PDF, 712KB)  (En español(PDF, 716KB) ).

Housing Strategy

The City of Charlotte, with input from the community, has developed a robust policy framework for creating affordable housing opportunities.

In 2018, the Charlotte City Council approved the Housing Charlotte Framework(PDF, 3MB). The framework establishes a collaborative effort among the City of Charlotte and other community partners for the allocation of private and public resources to guide the City’s affordable housing investments, policies, processes, and related decisions. It highlights three core considerations: expanding the supply of affordable housing, preserving of existing affordable housing, and improving family self-sufficiency.

Since the creation of the framework, City Council has also developed a series of guidelines and policies that strengthen the structure around affordable housing in our community. Together, the Housing Charlotte Framework and this suite of guidelines help set the strategy for the future and growth of affordable housing in Charlotte.

Housing Charlotte Framework

A framework for building and expanding access to opportunity through housing investments and meet the growing need for affordable housing.

Affordable Housing Locational Guidelines

These guides help ensure that city-supported housing is developed in areas that are close to amenities, public transit, improve income diversity, and are experiencing rapid demographic changes. 

Guidelines for Preserving Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing (NOAH)

Preserving existing affordable housing, or NOAH, is best practice for maintaining the quality and quantity of affordable housing.

Guidelines for Evaluation and Disposition of City Owned Land for Affordable Housing

These guidelines outline how city-owned property is evaluated for use for affordable housing.

NOAH Rental Subsidy Program Guidelines

This program creates new rent subsidies for households earning 30% of the area median income (AMI) that do not have existing vouchers or other rent subsidies.


Source of Income Protections in City Supported Housing Policy

Tenants in city-supported developments will not be disqualified from renting based on any lawful source of income.



Housing Reports