
Carpool Header


Find your commuting partner with the Share the Ride NC (STRNC). STRNC is a commute tracking platform that makes it easy to earn rewards for choosing an alternative commuting option for work, school or play and quickly find carpool partners anywhere in North Carolina.

Registering is easy. Simply follow these steps:

1. Create an account at Share the Ride NC and login.

2. You will be asked to create a "Trip Profile." Trip Profiles describe a specific trip that you take on a recurring basis. It will include origin, destination and commuting schedule. Your first trip will become your "default trip profile."

3. Go to the "Find Matches" tab and select "Find My Commute Options." This will generate a page of all the commuting options you have, including registered carpool users.

4. Select the "Carpool" tab and you will find all the registered carpoolers, who live close by and have similar commute schedules to you.

5. When you find someone you think might work as a carpooling buddy, contact them! You can work out cost and timing from there!